A Melody That's No Longer in Tune?

That is as far as my youngest son is concerned. Melody used to be the girl in his life. When she was introduced to us, we instantly like her because she looked amiable, and sincere. She had an open face. My partner and I used to discuss this perception about people having open face. We have always felt that an open face is a happy face, someone trustworthy.

What is an open face? I don't exactly know. Is there a technical definition at all? Maybe I should Google it. According to this book I found a person can have an open face by, "raising your eyebrows, creating horizontal lines on your forehead, and holding the position for a short time".

Moreover, an open face says, "I care" or "I want us to understand each other".

Cool! Wow I didn't know that, but it is actually very near our idea of what the term means.

Back to Melody. She was just here recently. Although, she and my son are no longer together, she never stopped communicating with us, sending text messages every so often, giving me flowers or fruits when she drops by, calling me from her office on Saturday afternoons. How good an ex-future daughter-in-law is that?

When they first broke-up, she would text me to ask about my son and after reassuring her that there are other nice fellows out there willing and able to know her better. I advised her to start screening candidates for a new boyfriend. I told her that it's unfair for her to wait until my son wakes up from his 'temporary uncommitted state'.

And you know what she said? "Tita, it's okey. Don't worry about me. I am really here for you."
I just want to cheer you up when ever and however I can.

Suddenly I got this lump on my throat. Need I say more?