
Showing posts with the label ibanag mother

Lessons I Learned from an Ibanag Mother

Mothers, I consider are heroes of our times. She gives birth to a child. Physically feeds the child from her own swollen breasts. She nurtures, sacrifices and sometimes even die for a child. There are countless stories of mothers dying from childbirth, or those who die trying to save a child from being mortally wounded, from an accident or fire or drowning. Mothers are venerable. But mothers make mistakes too. After all, they are humans, not programmable beings that at a drop of a hat move according to a set of instructions. Yes, they too err. Like loving their children too much, where it eventually becomes a disservice to the child. Mothers have feelings. Though they are masters at the art of sacrifice they too get hurt. From indifference and subtle and overt acts of disrespect. For mothers, sacrifice is equated with love. But they need their children's understanding. Please consider that they are no longer the spring chicken they once were; trying to be all things to everyone, a