
Showing posts with the label high school friends

The Ibanag's JOY

She is from Lambunao, a town in  Iloilo province. We went to high school together. Her older sister was my teacher in my freshman high school; she and another sister boarded with us when she went to college in UP. We all stayed in one room and we were really like sisters. Along the way, so many unexpected things happened. After finishing her degree,  she found herself going back to Iloilo to teach at the UP Visayas. That was the last thing I heard about Joy. We totally lost contact. That's Joy and her lovely family. Over the years, I would hear snippets about her but details weren't exactly  enough to make an initial connection, until the internet. It's now almost 40 years. Just like my other friends, like Sue  fate smiled and through social networking sites like facebook, Joy somehow found us again. This was her initial message to me: "Hi Lou, bestfriend! I have been thinking of u. I was in Manila last Christmas and Ning and I were wondering how to find you. As

Having the time of my life with my BFF and FBF (facebook forever)

I am having the time of my life in facebook. I got this account way back in 2008 but did nothing about it. Today though, I have grown so addicted.. It's the first thing I do after my morning rituals. My relationship with facebook grew fonder when I thought that it could be a  tool to find friends,  I have not seen in ages. True  enough with a little diligence we are now finding each other, one day at a time.  The  re-connections has been for me,  a  powerful feeling of camarederie, of friendship and  of love.  High school friends, college classmates, long lost relatives and acquaintances, the link has been re-established. It is not surprising that almost everyone is on facebook, I suppose there's this desire for  people to re-bond.. to re-connect if you will.  After all life is really short.  Sue was the first friend I found after searching and searching.  Sue - that's how I called her 40 years ago. That long already? And yes, that's an endearment. Sue was actually