
Showing posts with the label colon cancer symptoms of my brother

My brother's colon cancer

Sadly, I now realized, indeed my brother has colon cancer. Cory Aquino's condition and subsequent death convinced me. I could no longer deny it as much as when I found out the unfortunate news. I can now openly talk about it. Does it help that my family had witnessed a couple of deaths caused by the big C? First, on my father's side was my aunt who died when she was 11 years old from cancer in the stomach. It was known then as tumor. And then my grandfather; who also died from a certain type of digestive cancer. His brother also died from one. My grandad's daughter, my aunt; including, my cousin, her daughter, both died of bone cancer one year after another. On my mother's side, her sister died of lung cancer. Last year their brother died of lung cancer. And then my cousin, my aunt's daughter, died of breast cancer just 2 years ago. Forgetting this genetical misfortunes, this post's purpose is really just to document my observations of colon cancer