
Showing posts with the label Jakarta

Chicken Pox in Jakarta

My daughter who is a Pre-school teacher in Jakarta , Indonesia caught chicken pox which caused her to be absent from school for one whole week. The doctor said it was contagious and so she had to stay totally away from the rest of the people mostly teachers who were also staying in the same living quarters. The first 2 days of her ailment she was crying, worried and uncomfortable because she could not sleep, there was shooting pain in her legs, etc. She continuously texted and requested me to pray for her, most specially for her students that hopefully she did not contaminate. Giving me the name of the medication I tried to research what it was. I found out that all those discomfort she was experiencing were the side effects of the prescription drug given to her. When I told her about this, I believe she felt a little better. I guess connecting with me somehow made her feel more secure. And I am very grateful. To my faith... and to the comforting feeling it provides me every time