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Time to shake off those unwanted pounds

Holidays are over. The parties, the never ending drinks and the food that could almost make everyone feel like a  glutton. Why not? These are the seductions of holiday celebrations. And often,  reasons,  why post holiday conversations typically  reflect friends and associates complaints, "My tummy is bigger" or  "Darn my pants won't fit anymore!",  or perhaps, "Oooohhh, I gained 10 hip pounds, what the...". Hello? Gals, guys, wasn't that a given already? In my family, the first to complain about holiday weight gain is my daughter and other relatives who come home from abroad. It goes without saying that as soon as they are back, they binge to their wits; satisfying their food cravings like maniacs.  Ergo, the resulting effect of unwanted pounds. For those who have no problems whatsoever with holiday weight gain, good for you. You are so lucky! Otherwise, time to shake off those unwanted pounds. Time to review your weight loss strategy. The gym?