Father's Day Checklist

Evaluating the quality of fathering you have and continue to dispense, check these..

1. Was  I  a good role model,  unfashionably perhaps to me,  but taught them anyway  the  values of honesty, humility, hard work and responsibility?
2. Did I spend enough time to be with each of my children almost  sacrificing other things like work?
3. Did I make it a point to talk to each of my growing children to find out what they were doing?
4. Did I do fathering with discipline or with love?
5. Did I consistently teach all my children about right and wrong, listened and not just lecture?
6. Was I  around to encourage them to  always try to do their best?
6. Was I able to show enough affection to my children  to make them feel secure in my love?
7. Come to think of it, was I able to build trust from my children that they won't think twice coming  to me for advice on anything under the sun?
9. Was there ever a time when my love for my children was conditional?
8. Last but not the least, have I done right to my children's mom?

If your responses are mostly positive to these questions, then you have enough reason to celebrate!
If not, there's still time. It is never too late!

Happy Father's Day!