Nature is Good for The Baby

Unless it is about my grand daughter or healthy eating,  healthy living or taking much better of the  environment, it will not interest me. So this will be about my grand daughter who just turned 8 months last September 9. She's been through a bout with near-pneumonia, but thank God she was able to hurdle it safely. Thank you to the  able handling of her pediatrician. As my partner and I  have been saying all along, nature has a way of taking back. My grand daughter as we learned later;  and as I have always hinted  was affected by too much allergen floating within her immediate environment. Playing with hairy and dusty stuffed toys, then  spraying the room where she stays with toxic insect sprays led to that condition we now choose to forget. Lesson learned  - we really need to get back to the basics.

For one, it puzzles me why today's babies are made to wear  manufactured diapers 24x7.. why babies play with plastic toys whose toxicity sometimes prove questionable add to that dilemma. Back in the old days, natural  products were preferred. Old school mothers like many us prefer organic and natural baby wear, baby blankets and other baby paraphernalia. We also preferred  feeding bottles made of glass unlike what they use now - plastic feeding bottles, plastic sterilizer, plastic everything. Yikes!

Convenience seems to be the ready excuse. Where have all the old values gone? Values that almost always proved to be earth friendly are almost gone. The value of breastfeeding is almost unheard of  because the pressure of infant formula marketing is too much to resist. The bounty that Nature offers through mother's milk takes the back seat because the mother is in a hurry to get back to the "normalcy" of her life. Since when did having a baby become an "abnormal" situation?

I say, ON with propagating the idea of back to Nature as the best weapon against further environment degradation. And on with continuing to educate those who still care to listen.. never mind if most of the them  think you are kind of weird when talking about loving the environment.. there are still some you know.

Let's get ethics back into the groove of our ordinary lives  one day at a time. Whether it is in choosing the kind of car we drive, the gadgets we use or the clothes we wear.. the eco shopping tools we choose to use and  include the food we eat or just about anything we have in our lives,  we need to get on the side of  Nature