Another "C" Stricken Family Member

Last month my cousin's husband died at a ripe age of 49. Stroke.

Last week. another cousin informed me her father, my uncle was found to have tumors in his lungs. One is 7 cm in size and there's 10 more smaller ones.

This is so depressing. It's been quite... how shall I say it - discomfitting.

My cousin died with breast cancer last year. Her husband earlier suffered a stroke and died.
Within the same year, another aunt also died of a heart ailment.

The other day, I was informed one more aunt suffered a mild stroke. It affected her facial features. It's good that the doctor confirms that it can still be rehabilitated. Whew!

And just this morning, THAT uncle with tumor in his lungs now also have it in his liver. Oh GOD!

This afternoon my Mom called to tell me she dreamed that we were attending some sort of a big celebration with THAT uncle looking so happy, lots flowers and lots of people in attendance wearing just white and black. This is not good.

She insisted that we go visit THAT uncle SOON!

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