Happy Birthday My Son

Today is my son's 28th birthday. He is my second born. Works in one of the two giant local telcos. He is a licensed Electronics and Communications Engineer, but wanted really to be an architect.

Among my children he is the quiet one. Easy to talk to, no frills, no 'sizzle' but very reliable.

I remember when he was in junior high. He came home one day to tell me that his teacher wanted to talk to me. I asked why. Was he in some kind of trouble? None he reassured me.

What could it be?

The next day, off I went to his school. Her teacher smiling her crinkly smile told me, Ma'm, please tell your son to stop being too good. He is too kind. I was taken aback. I didn't know what to say. This is one time too good is bad.

It appears that my son was giving away his lunches to classmates who did not have any. Worse, everyone was copying his assignments and he was freely allowing this abuse. When I asked him why, he just said, it was alright. Was he afraid to get bullied?

Next thing I knew, he wasn't doing his assignments anymore. He made sure that henceforth, there's nothing to copy at all.

Luckily, he was able to maintain good grades.

I didn't think he was afraid or anything like that. It is just that he has this well of patience and understanding of people. It's difficult to draw anger from him.

If there's one child of mine who will take care of me when I get really very old, he will be this young man and I thank the Heaven above for that. I believe I am so blessed to have him as my son. He is God's gift to me.

Happy Birthday My Son!!!

